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Signals and Systems for Bioengineers Semmlow Solutions

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Signals and Systems for Bioengineers, Second Edition, is the only textbook that relates important electrical engineering concepts to biomedical engineering and biological studies. It explains in detail the basic engineering concepts that underlie biomedical systems, medical devices, biocontrol, and biosignal analysis. It is perfect for the one-semester bioengineering course usually offered in conjunction with a laboratory on signals and measurements which presents the fundamentals of systems and signal analysis. The target course occupies a pivotal position in the bioengineering curriculum and will play a critical role in the future development of bioengineering students. This book provides increased coverage of time-domain signal analysis as well as biomeasurement, using examples in ultrasound and electrophysiology. It also presents new applications in biocontrol, with examples from physiological systems modeling such as the respiratory system. It contains double the number of Matlab and non-Matlab exercises to provide ample practice solving problems - by hand and with computational tools. More biomedical figures are found throughout the book. For instructors using this text in their course, an accompanying website (, in Semmlow page) includes support materials such as MATLAB data and functions needed to solve the problems, a few helpful routines, and all of the MATLAB examples. Intended readers include biomedical engineering students, practicing medical technicians, mechanical engineers, and electrical engineers.

Key Features

  • Reorganized to emphasize signal and system analysis
  • Increased coverage of time-domain signal analysis
  • Expanded coverage of biomeasurement, using examples in ultrasound and electrophysiology
  • New applications in biocontrol, with examples from physiological systems modeling such as the respiratory system
  • Double the number of Matlab and non-Matlab exercises to provide ample practice solving problems - by hand and with computational tools
  • More Biomedical and real-world examples
  • More biomedical figures throughout


Biomedical engineering students; practicing medical technicians; mechanical engineers; electrical engineers

Table of Contents

    • Acknowledgements
    • Preface to the Second Edition
    • Chapter 1. The Big Picture
      • 1.1. Biological Systems
      • 1.2. Biosignals
      • 1.3. Noise
      • 1.4. Signal Properties—Basic Measurements
      • 1.5. Summary
    • Chapter 2. Basic Concepts in Signal Processing
      • 2.1. Basic Signals—The Sinusoidal Waveform
      • 2.2. More Basic Signals—Periodic, Aperiodic, and Transient
      • 2.3. Two-Dimensional Signals—Images
      • 2.4. Signal Comparisons and Transformations
      • 2.5. Summary
    • Chapter 3. Fourier Transform
      • 3.1. Time- and Frequency-Domain Signal Representations
      • 3.2. Fourier Series Analysis
      • 3.3. Frequency Representation
      • 3.4. Complex Representation
      • 3.5. The Continuous Fourier Transform
      • 3.6. Discrete Data: The Discrete Fourier Series and Discrete Fourier Transform
      • 3.7. MATLAB Implementation of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
      • 3.8. Summary
    • Chapter 4. The Fourier Transform and Power Spectrum
      • 4.1. Data Acquisition and Storage
      • 4.2. Power Spectrum
      • 4.3. Spectral Averaging
      • 4.4. Stationarity and Time-Frequency Analysis
      • 4.5. Signal Bandwidth
      • 4.6. Summary
    • Chapter 5. Linear Systems in the Frequency Domain
      • 5.1. Linear Signal Analysis—An Overview
      • 5.2. The Response of System Elements to Sinusoidal Inputs—Phasor Analysis
      • 5.3. The Transfer Function
      • 5.4. Transfer Function Spectral Plots—The Bode Plot
      • 5.5. Bode Plots Combining Multiple Elements
      • 5.6. The Transfer Function and the Fourier Transform
      • 5.7. Summary
    • Chapter 6. Linear Systems Analysis in the Complex Frequency Domain
      • 6.1. The Laplace Transform
      • 6.2. Laplace Analysis—The Laplace Transfer Function
      • 6.3. Nonzero Initial Conditions—Initial and Final Value Theorems
      • 6.4. The Laplace Domain and the Frequency Domain
      • 6.5. Summary
    • Chapter 7. Linear Systems Analysis in the Time Domain
      • 7.1. Linear Systems
      • 7.2. The Convolution Integral
      • 7.3. The Relationship between Convolution and Frequency Domain Analysis
      • 7.4. Convolution in the Frequency Domain
      • 7.5. System Simulation and Simulink
      • 7.6. Biological Examples
      • 7.7. Summary
    • Chapter 8. Linear System Analysis
      • 8.1. Linear Filters—Introduction
      • 8.2. Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters
      • 8.3. Two-Dimensional Filtering—Images
      • 8.4. FIR Filter Design Using MATLAB—The Signal Processing Toolbox
      • 8.5. Infinite Impulse Response Filters
      • 8.6. The Digital Transfer Function and the z-Transform
      • 8.7. Summary
    • Chapter 9. Circuit Elements and Circuit Variables
      • 9.1. Circuits and Analog Systems
      • 9.2. System Variables
      • 9.3. Electrical Elements
      • 9.4. Phasor Analysis
      • 9.5. Laplace Domain—Electrical Elements
      • 9.6. Summary—Electrical Elements
      • 9.7. Mechanical Elements
      • 9.8. Summary
    • Chapter 10. Analysis of Analog Circuits and Models
      • 10.1. Conservation Laws—Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
      • 10.2. Conservation Laws—Kirchhoff's Current Law: Nodal Analysis
      • 10.3. Conservation Laws—Newton's Law: Mechanical Systems
      • 10.4. Resonance
      • 10.5. Summary
    • Chapter 11. Circuit Reduction
      • 11.1. System Simplifications—Passive Network Reduction
      • 11.2. Network Reduction—Passive Networks
      • 11.3. Ideal and Real Sources
      • 11.4. Thévenin and Norton Theorems—Network Reduction with Sources
      • 11.5. Measurement Loading
      • 11.6. Mechanical Systems
      • 11.7. Multiple Sources—Revisited
      • 11.8. Summary
    • Chapter 12. Basic Analog Electronics
      • 12.1. The Amplifier
      • 12.2. The Operational Amplifier
      • 12.3. The Noninverting Amplifier
      • 12.4. The Inverting Amplifier
      • 12.5. Practical Op Amps
      • 12.6. Power Supply
      • 12.7. Op Amp Circuits or 101 Things to Do with an Op Amp
      • 12.8. Summary
    • Appendix A. Derivations
    • Appendix B. Laplace Transforms and Properties of the Fourier Transform
    • Appendix C. Trigonometric and Other Formulae
    • Appendix D. Conversion Factors: Units
    • Appendix E. Complex Arithmetic
    • Appendix F. LF356 Specifications
    • Appendix G. Determinants and Cramer's Rule
    • Bibliography
    • Index

Product details

  • No. of pages: 604
  • Language: English
  • Copyright: © Academic Press 2011
  • Published: August 29, 2011
  • Imprint: Academic Press
  • eBook ISBN: 9780123849830

About the Author

John Semmlow

John Semmlow

John Semmlow was a professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Rutgers University and in the Department of Surgery of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School UMDNJ for 32 years. Over that period he published over 100 review journal articles and has been appointed a Fellow of the IEEE, the AIMBE, and the BMES. He retired in June of 2010, but still remains active in research, particularly cardiovascular diagnosis and human motor control. He is actively pursuing a 'second career' as an artist, designing and building computer controlled kinetic art: sculptures that move in interesting and intriguing ways.

Affiliations and Expertise

Rutgers University and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School-University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, New Brunswick, USA

Signals and Systems for Bioengineers Semmlow Solutions
